Missions Sunday 15 of October

The Lord says in 2 Chronicles that his eyes go to and fro throughout the earth to shoe himself strong to those who are wholly committed or loyal to Him.

What a blessing g we can serve Jesus. May God help us as we work with the Holy Spirit to cultivate loyalty to Jesus.

We all should want the spirits move in our lives let's be loyal to Him!

Prayer list

Youth Kener who teaches youth and in church. For faithfulness to the Lord and strength to persevere.

For fruit in the Devotionals at the mayor's office.

God would develop and use the pastors to develop godly character.

For God's leading in an upcoming outreach to homeless and addicts.

For wisdom for Danny for radio station and provision.

For Pastor Carlos that God would help him to lead well led by the Holy Spirit in all he does.

Missions Sunday 16JUL23

HI ALL, A big hello from Nueva Guinea. Looking forward to seeing you all God willing in October.

Thanks to all for praying and giving for the different projects

Getting together more prices on radio antenna install. That will include guy wires and accessories, materials for foundations to support the guy wires, electrical and solar. I know this will be over U$500.00 but am collecting all the prices. A lot of this is done in person as many businesses do not pick up the phone here. And they may tell you they have something over the phone but it really isn't what you want when you see it in person.

We are also close to finishing the inside of the church. Short cables to and from the the church and the radio tower which we are short U$520.00

One brother gave U$150 last week which is half of a Cow for him as a rancher. So we are inching toward the goal. The church continues to do bake sales and food sales to support the urgent needs. Thanks to all of you for your support in bake sales and different events that have supported Nicaragua in the past and present!

We still have a big group for youth night. Pray for their salvation. I help coach some of them on their soccer team. Pray that this becomes more and more an inroad for evangelism.

Danny has been working hard. Helping moises with the church building daily, doing local church finances, and working on getting the radio tower operatio al with permissions. We thank God for him and for those of you that have pledged to support his efforts as he works on getting funding from the radio ministry to support his payroll.

Please pray for Pastor Carlos and that the government completes his house rather soon. We have offered to have some of his family to come stay here for the meantime but they prefer to stick together at the same place and not leave their property unattended as it can lead to robbery. They knowcked down half of the old house not the whole old house so they have a little space and are just cramped.

Thanks again for all your prayers and support.

Grace and peace.


Working inside Church with some of the brothers of the church

Pastor Carlos’s New House being worked on. It is a Government project, construction recommences 20JUL23

Projects Update

Thanks to Jesus things are coming along on 3 important projects. The church roof and Pastor Carlos's new house. And also the radio station tower project.

Today work has been started on the instalation of the church roof tin sections. Also the rain has decided to show up now. So we are praying we get enough sun to finish.

Pastor Carlos is in the phase of leveling out his property. He uses volunteers from the church to help him.

It’s a little difficulty for Danny and myself to help him as we are working on the church roof but have gone some.

The radio station tower project is on hold but we will proceed in starting the paperwork process in Managua which is complex. We are also waiting for Nica IRS paperwork to be approved. Thanks for working together with us.

God bless,


Missions Sunday Update April 16th

Hi you guys thanks again for taking the time to read this and seeing how you can better pray for the ministry in Nicaragua.

  • Monday Motorcycle trip. Pray for safety and for favor with the electrical company. That they would give us a new transformer so we can have more stable energy. If this doesn’t work we will need to add more solar as many of our equipment on site has been failing because of the eratic energy.

  • Tuesday Motorcycle trip. Going to Managua with Pastor Carlos to pick up some government certificates, update paperwork at the tax office, and to try again for my resdidency. Pray everything goes thru without a hitch.

  • Pray for new discipleship plans we have for next month with the older youth that God would direct this.

  • God provided a new wireless sound board for the church. Praise the Lord.

  • Pray for extra favor with government especially now.

Missions Sunday Update

Hi all here are some of the prayer requests we talked about at missions sunday.

Prayer for church

Advancement of ministry and deliverance from attacks of enemies currently on church and repentance where necessary: sicknesses, division in families, impurity.

Prayer for Residency, church, and radio permissions.

Government on vacation until 2nd week of January. Moises on vacation until January.

Prayer Requeats from calvary chapel nueva guinea brothers and sisters...


For more workers in youth center, kids center, children's ministry, and radio. For Teachings geared toward young women

Pastor Carlos

Unification in his family in the holy spirit. God would conquer the attacks of the enemy.

Kenia that workers have more hunger and thirst for word, strength for trials, and health spiritually and physically in the church.

Government Certificate Update

Good morning to you all!

Well I have had some question about how we are doing with our certificates of completion in Nicaragua and radio Station permissions. To give you an idea, what used to be routine has become difficult this year. Both with church paperwork in Managua and Juigalpa along with getting my residency renewed. My Residency is dependent upon church paperwork so I haven’t been able to renew. Also for radio permissions I have to have church certificates and Residency.

Please pray that God gives special wisdom and knowledge on how to go about paperwork, the timing of everything, and favor with the government. Favor especially because of Angela’s and my nationality. God bless you all!


Below picture of progress of radio equipment building.

Radio Studio Room and Pups

So we are working to finished the radio studio room, which will be used by Danny and those inbolved with the radio ministry to record, go on live. The small room that is currently being used for the radio equipment will than house files and our freezer.

I’m looking for a used air this week have a possible lead tomorrow.

Ruth also has puppies they are 2 weeks old. 2 will go to two different neighbors around our property.

God bless, Greg

Tick and Snake Management

So today was cleaning up around our facility. We rake up leaves burn them, and than spray for ticks that are left by stray cows and horses.

February 2022 Update

Hi guys it was good to see some you on a skype call on Sunday.

Some things to keep in prayer…

  • Keep in Prayer Sani and her family who lost there home and had to move. She was part of the youth center kids.

  • Also pray for the continued growth in the word and spirit of the Monday night gatherings. New believers in this group as well.

  • Continue to pray for the installation of the Radio Tower.

  • For growth and maturity of the body.

Thanks for working together with us in your prayers and support. We always look forward to seeing many of you in person as well as the Lord permits

Things to Pray for...

Hi guys may God bless you as you seek him.

WhatsApp Image 2021-08-18 at 11.23.56 PM.jpeg

This is a little late but wanted to remind you of some of the things going on and what to continue to pray for. Thanks to all who or have partnered with us in prayer and support.

  • Praise report as Danny was able to update several teachings for the radio station and continues to update and get the new worship out there to the community.

  • Continue pray for the completion of the radio station tower. Thanks to all that have taken part in this ministry through their prayers and financial support.

  • The Corn Fair in our local park went well as we sold corn items to gain funds for the church roof.

  • Pray for the Greg’s health as he has been anemic.

  • For Jaqueline and Victoria as they continue to do youth center on their own.

  • Pray for Angela as she adjusts to being back in Nicaragua after 3 months in the states.

WhatsApp Image 2021-08-18 at 11.27.04 PM.jpeg
WhatsApp Image 2021-08-18 at 11.26.39 PM.jpeg

A few Recent Pictures

I came back with Pastor Carlos and his family who had medical visits in Managua.

I came back with Pastor Carlos and his family who had medical visits in Managua.

Danny Torres does a lot of work in the Radio Station and with worship Ministry. He also watched the property while I was on furlough.

Danny Torres does a lot of work in the Radio Station and with worship Ministry. He also watched the property while I was on furlough.

Thanks for checking in. I lost a lot of pics from my old phone while on furlough. But here are 2 that survived. Thank the Lord for working out the details for a new phone. I got back safe to Nueva Guinea. I’ll be updating shortly with a newsletter on how things have been going with the tower and other ministry. God bless you! and thank you Jesus!

Picture to the left was taken on way back from buying a chair for nursing mothers and study table for church brother’s and sisters.

Me on a pit stop at Stoney Point on the way to Central Valley, Ca.

Me on a pit stop at Stoney Point on the way to Central Valley, Ca.

Febuary 2021 Update

Hi all,

Well it has been a different last few months. As we have covid worldwide here in Nicaragua it is a little different. Here pretty much most things are open but getting hold of food, electronics, and construction materials has become more limited and more expensive. Masks are not required except at the bank. But if you go to the capital Managua things are a little stricter.

I am currently recovering from infections caused by abcesses in my leg. Praying for complete healing. I’ll be going to Managua on Tuesday to get supplies for the facility and Angela and for the time I’m gone. Also to check out the facility in Managua that gives Covid tests. I hear they have long lines. Be in prayer also for Monday the 1st of March when I get the Covid test.

Please pray for discipleship and leadership strengthening here for 2021 as this is our first priority here spiritually.

The radio station tower is coming along. Praise the Lord for all that have given toward this. We are doing well in the fundraising but still have some more to go. The radio tower is currently at 70 feet high but needs replacement. Danny has updated our songs and is doing some DJ work. Pray for him, he is 20, in college and juggling ministry as a worship leader, radio dj, and has been helping out at times on the facility.

As I get ready for my furlough in March be in prayer for Angela and that she would have wisdom and discernment as she takes over finances and has all her normal ministry responsibilities.

God bless you all,


January 2021 Update

We are excited to share with you many of the things the Lord is doing for this upcoming 2021.

The Radio Station -- As you know we have a radio station here going on now for the last 10+ years. It has been a vessel for evangelism and discipleship to the local city and hard to reach farming communities. During the last few years the radio station has been running on auto-pilot. And with the lack of new songs it was like a beaver that builds up a dam not allowing the new water from flowing in and down river. In that aspect the radio station has been in need of some change.

We praise the Lord the Spirit has stirred Danny’s heart to work more in the radio station. He is putting on new songs and we are looking to update teachings. We are also working with Jeff from CC Bakersfield that is helping us with some technical aspects like getting the online radio station back up and online.

Along with the new changes we have the opportunity to join hands in giving towards the Radio Tower this year. The radio tower is rusted out and falling apart. We are currently taking down part of the tower because of safety issues. But the entire tower is beyond repair. We are preparing the spot for the new tower. Pray for the knowledge and wisdom for tower assembly and no fault of funds to complete the project.

The Youth Center – As missionaries get ready for their weekly furloughs we can see that God is raising up others to both lead and help in the youth center. Jaqueline and Victoria are those we are looking to take more responsibility in the youth center,  pray for them and that God would help them in this. The youth center has kids in it from unstable families and who are regularly exposed to local drugs in the parks and community.

Home Bible Studies – The home bible studies are the picture in Acts that we get of the church. A church that is involved in each other’s lives and a church that welcomes others into each other’s houses. This year we are planning to have home bible studies companied by discipleship in several homes. Pray that God allows this to come to pass as we have had a hard time with many sicknesses and distractions of the enemy trying to derail this effort.

Prayer Requests:

  • Suyen – Several of her family members are recovering from a recent car accident.

  • Moises – His arm that he uses to lead worship and play the guitar is having nerve problems which is affecting his ability to play the guitar and making it difficult. He currently has had to step down from playing.

  • Doña Karla – She has a surgery at the end of the month.

  • Judith Arteaga – Has a final hip surgery this month as well.

  • Radio station – That the tower is up before the rainy season.

  • Pray for Upcoming Furloughs for Greg and Angela.

November 7th Prayer Requests

Hi all,

Thank you we praise the Lord for how he continues to provide for the ministry here.

*Pray for those affected by the hurricane in Puerto Cabezas. They lost a lot of personal belongings.

*For those growing in discipleship with the missionaries and the ccng leaders: Moises Hernandez, Christian, Danny, Blanca, Victoria, Uber, and Jaqueline.

Some updates……We are continuing to put up the ladder for the radio tower. Danny our worship leader is also working on updating our songs. We will have a meeting on Sunday to see if we can get more volunteers to update the radio station and also to help fundraise for the tower. We are estimating the new tower to be around U$6,000 dollars. We are working on the details for this. We do need your prayers and support to get this new tower up. Some form of a new tower needs to be up before April which is the end of the Nicaraguan Summer. We currently have the funds to put up the ladder. But not the funds to install the tower.

  1. Step 1. Put up the new ladder. Bring down unused antennas.

  2. Step 2 Assemble and weld sections of new guide wire towers.

  3. Step 3 Set the foundation for the tower and guide wire support foundations

  4. Step 4 Put up sections of Guide wire tower. Secure with guide wires. Move the antenna to new tower.

There are many other projects and needs. But this one has become a do it or loose it scenario. Clock is ticking on this one. This radio station has brought a majority of those listening to our church and is a continual blessing to the community this is our chance to be part of continuing that blessing.

God bless,


Prayer Requests

Hi all thanks for reading we have a few things that you can pray for currently:

*Discipleship: Growth for Christian, Danny, Blanca, and Victoria.

*Men’s prayer on Tuesday Nights with: Pastor Greg, Pastor Carlos, Danny, and Uber. Pray God would speak and bless during these prayer times.

*Projects that need to be finished:

*Completion of the top for the Church septic tank

*Ladder for the Radio Tower and a New Radio Tower. We are estimating within 6 months to a year we’ll need to have the new tower up because of rusting on the current tower.

*For funds and wisdom for the current solar system we are investigating for the facility to cut down on the electric bill by about U$600 per month.

*Healing of Gabriela’s migraines and retention of water in her body.

Winamba! Back from Prinzapolka

Winamba means (You got to move it, move it..) It means you gotta stay active to be healthy. Many people of the northern regions of Nicaragua are active doing work at 4 am or earlier if they fish or do farming.
My trip to Prinzapolka started off like an impossibility. I didn’t know how to get there. And no planes went close to where I needed to get to. But if God wants something to happen he opens the doors for it. At the start of the trip I only had the funds for the transportation and 3 filters. But God provided along the way for medicine and food for the community. I came in contact with a friend of a friend that had family close bye. So after a 6 hour bus ride to Managua, a 14 hour bus ride to Puerto Cabezas, and then a 3 hour ride in speed boat we were able to reach our destination.
On the way there the language started to slowly change as more and more people spoke Miskito the local language of Puerta Cabezas and the surrounding communities. We passed a small part of a forest reserve where we saw very large trees bigger than in other parts I’ve seen in Nicaragua. Arriving in Puerto Cabezas we were taken in by a Christian family that were half Miskito and half Garifuna. They were very hospitable to us and we were very blessed by them. Through their family contacts we got a good price on a speed boat to Prinzapolka. So we went to pick up the gas and load up for the trip down river. Part way by ocean part way by river and channel. We passed  the mangrove forests and swamps  but were unable to see the crocodiles that live there and I thought happily I was I was living an episode of swamp people or duck dynasty as it looked pretty much like southern louisiana.
Arriving in Prinzapolka we came in off the ocean and down the River Prinzapolka to the town. We were met by a large group of people and when we got off the boat the arguing started and the people were yelling at each other in Miskito. The local government leader wanted us to send all the food, medicine, and water filters to his home and than have a meeting to talk about how to distribute it. Another family of about 15 people said that was wrong and took all our goods and we went to their house. They were distant relatives of our friend Jairo. I also later found out another year a red cross boat came there and the goods on the boat were ransacked and the boat had to leave.
We prayed over the goods on arriving to the wooden house on stilts and were ushered into the house where we were welcomed. The lady of the house was called Nikolasa. She also was Christian. But I noticed that few knew much about the bible except what the local minister told them. They didn’t know their bibles. This town was a fishing village and most everything revolved around that and transportation. There were a small amount of crops and animals like pigs and some cows. The flooding had stopped there and didn’t seem too bad by the time we got there. And praise God the rain stopped for the duration of our trip.
Arriving the first day late just before sunset our ministry would start the following day. I did a devotional with the family before bed. Waking before sunset as the custom is there we prepared for the day. Asking God for wisdom and how to give out the food in a way that the people would not fight as we only had packets for some 30 families. So with the Lord’s help we made a list with Nikolasa and the local government leader on reaching orphans, widows, and people sick or that couldn’t work. With that we were able to reach the people with the most need. All in Jesus name (Jesus Ninara)
We than had people show up to the house that were sick. The main illnesses there were malaria and stomach issues from bad water. We did 2 house visits to the sick. The first house was close to the river on the sandy beach and upon arriving the man of the house came to greet us “Bara” means Hello in Miskito. Going into the house we soon saw 2 women layed out on the floor without the strength to get up. They had malaria and there was no medicine in town to treat them. We prayed over them and pulled out some malaria medicine that I had with me which I pray helped them. Myself and those that traveled with me had been taking anti-malaria medicine before the trip which should help if we were to be bitten. The family didn’t have much food either so I went to the local store they didn’t have much. But a man paddled  bye on a canoe that had turtle meat and turtle liver. So I was able to get him some of that which is high in Vitamin B which would help. God’s timing is perfect.
The next lady we saw was different. As we entered the room where she was her daughter was huddled over her as the lady cried in pain. She looked pregnant but it was a tumor that caused her much pain. We prayed over her for God to take control of her and her pain. We gave her pain meds. At the end of our trip we took her by speed boat to the hospital in Prinzapolka where she was able to get a more thorough treatment. Please continue to pray for her healing and that the pain would stop.
During the afternoon at 4 pm we organized a service. We planned on doing it for adults too but the Christians had traveled to a neighboring community for a retreat that had been planned. So we ended up with 50 moskito kids that showed up. Quickly I changed the duration of the teaching and we added games. And the kids helped us sing to God in Miskito. Jairo was a great help in translating the teaching he accompanied up all the way from Managua.
With that we passed the night with the family at the house and with visitors that came to see is. We passed a lot of time giving godly council as there were many problems in the town.
With that we ended the day and the next morning I got up and took a trip on a Kiuko (canoe) around the river to see on the other side of the river they did have a well which is a blessing. We than paddled out to the ocean and than came back. It is tough paddling a wooden canoe if you’re not used to it. The canoe’s there are basically a large tree they felled that they then carve out the inside into the shape of a canoe and make the paddles out of wood as well.
With that we took the long way back on the speed boat with the lady that had the tumor. We placed her on a crate in the boat and but cushions on top of it where she layed with a plastic over her to protect her from the sun.
Oh yes, the 3 filters God gave the wisdom on how to give them out without fighting. One went to the local church, the other to the school which was in shambles, and the other went to the local clinic. At the local clinic they sometimes have a nurse but no doctor.
There are many communities like this in the Northern Coast of the Caribbean. We are praying about God’s will in visiting other communities in the future when the Lord permits.
God bless you this week and pray that we can all be a blessing to someone as you all have been to me.

Trip to Prinzapolka

Suffering in Prinzapolka

Jesus calling in Isaiah 61 was to comfort, heal, and to reach needs. As he leads we hope to do the same in the Caribbean North.

Amid this time of coronavirus we have been a chance to minister in areas where previously we have not thought possible. The area of Bilwi in the northern Caribbean coast of Nicaragua has been flooded. Several communities have been affected and one of the worst areas affected is a place called Prinzapolka. There houses have been put pretty much under water, they lost all their crops, and are getting sick from bad water and malaria. 

I pretty much feel like one of the disciples that had a few fish but seeing the need I say but what are these among all these?

Our trip is planned for the 10th of September and will be 6-8 days. It takes about 20 hours in car to get to the first stop. Than about 10 hours in boat to reach our destination.

We hope to bring water filtration systems. There are 110 families in need in the town we are going to but several other communities have also been affected. Along with the water systems we want to bring basic food items for them, bleach, medicine, and most importantly Jesus as we'll be praying over them and their needs and giving them Jesus. 

Please pray with us for God to prepare everything. And that our small amount we have to give would grow and be able to be more than they could need. 
Pray for healing for the people many are sick.
Pray for more clean water filters.
Enough Food. Blessing in Travel.
Pray for God to prepare our hearts for his message he has for them and we would minister to them as the Holy Spirit can only do.
Pray for those going: Christian, Jairo, Uber, a doctor.

God bless you in Jesus's love,


Your can see this and previous articles also in our newsletter http://graceministriesint.com/e-newsletter

Continuing to Minister during Covid

Hi all!

We did a newsletter fairly recently but it’s been a while since I posted a blog. I have been going out with the young adults on Tuesday’s either hiking or biking locally. Our time is spent in fellowship when we are with believers and evangelism if someone comes that is not saved. We have gone to several different rivers during our outings we spend time in the word and do verses to memorize. My hope and prayer for these times is growth in Christ through godly fellowship and accountability. So pray for Tuesdays. Soon we’ll be climbing either witch mountain or tower mountain. Thanks for reading!

Much love in Jesus!
