Youth Center
Youth center is a special time of outreach where the youth of Zone #5 and the surrounding areas can come to the church to have fun and to learn about God in an environment where they are loved. We hold youth center every Monday thru Friday from 2 to 4 PM. In those two hours, we and the local youth in discipleship play with the kids, make crafts, and minister to them by encouraging them with scripture and loving them. On special days, we take the kids on fishing trips, bike rides, and to the river to swim.
On Friday nights at 6-8 PM, we have youth center for the older youth. We meet in the church and start with prayer and worship. After worship Hector and Deanna Chavez teach the youth. Right now they are going through a thru the bible series teaching thru all 66 books of the bible passing over the main themes.
The focus of youth center is showing the love of Jesus Christ to the youth of Nueva Guinea. Many of the youth in Nueva Guinea come from broken families and can do as they please. Most of the youth that visit the church are not at all encouraged by their parents to do so. One of the greatest obstacles that we face is that kids will come to church and youth center at a young age, but when they are older, they walk away from the Lord. Without parental guidance, encouragement, and love, it is almost inevitable that the youth would choose darkness over light. In many ways, the youth of Nueva Guinea can be considered mini-adults. Many of them have responsibilities and must work in and outside of the home. We trust and know that Jesus Christ can overcome these obstacles. By showing them that there is someone who loves them deeply, our goal is to train these youth into Godly men and women.
We ask that you keep this special ministry in prayer. Pray that God would anoint the leaders and that He would use them to teach and to encourage the youth. Pray that the children would take home what they learn and that they would be lights shining for Christ in their homes. Pray that the older youth would overcome and that they would trust completely in Christ.