Worship Ministry

We are all called to worship God.  We are called to sing to Him with gladness and to worship in spirit and in truth. Every church service and for almost every church event, we worship God. Worship Practices are held on Thursday evenings. 

Worship in Nicaragua is a bit different than worship in the states.  Almost all of the churches sing short songs stringed together (Cadena de coros).  They usually have a worship group that sings a couple of songs every service.  Members of the church can sing special songs if they wish.  

In Capilla Calvario Nueva Guinea, our goal is to worship God according to the guidelines of scripture.  We incorporate the Cadena de coros style occasionally.  Most of the worship songs that we sing are by Christian Spanish artists.  We carefully choose songs that glorify God and praise Him.

Our goal is to raise up worshipers who are like David: skillful in playing, prudent in speech, valiant spiritual warriors, and full of the Lord.  We want to raise up Nicaraguans who worship the Lord in a biblical way and minister to the church body.  Currently, there are a number of nicaraguans serving in the worship ministry and who lead.  When the other kids see the youth playing worship, they are encouraged to walk with God and serve Him.

Pray that God raises up more godly Nicaraguan men and women with a heart to worship and to lead others into worship.  Pray for the strength and faithfulness of those involved in the worship ministry and that their hunger and thirst to worship the Lord would continue to grow.
