Imagine a man building a wall, but as it goes up there is someone on the others side with a sledge hammer knocking holes in the wall. So the builder stops and has to patch the holes. Then the helpers say it is too hard. That is what was happening in the book of Nehemiah and is relevant to our time.
Today there is a over doing in the drives for pleasure, foods, and getting one's way, that has been brought to such an extreme that it has become excess and in its way a form of idolotry. The basic needs when out of balance cause damage instead of stability put when in balance cause strength.
The youth of Nueva Guinea are being broken down like the wall with the sledgehammer... In need of direction. Kids without parents with no one to guide them at home, truly they are sheep in need of the Great Shepard. As we look at the broken walls of families, youth, and kids we are reminded of the broken walls in the book of Nehemiah. Of how Jerusalem and its people were in distress and ruins because they had allowed love for other things to creep into their walk with God. How easy we can fall into this trap. And how easily Satan can cause a family, a person, a youth to fall into spiritual captivity like the nation of Israel.
The spirit of God calls for a restoration of his people. This starts with being open to God and returning to him with all your heart. We see this happening with some in Nueva Guinea. I see changes in lives like that of Rodrigo, Christian and others. And while other are advancing in following Jesus some get caught in the traps of the enemy: lusts and desires for other things choke the word of God in their lives, rebellion against leaders which is really a rebellion against God threaten to hinder the progress. Pray for us and the youth. God is doing something awesome but the enemy wants to destroy it.
This Monday the youth wanted to pray so we gathered together. Seven of them showed up and we prayed, worshiped, and waited on God. Those that came were Murio, Tualin, Cristian, Katherine, Juyneci, Larri, and Danny. They want to do it again next Monday. Pray that their hearts would continue to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit and that God would stir and use them to draw others to Himself. That the enemy's lies and jokes about the ministry and other brothers would stop, that any insults and attacks would stop, and that the youth and brothers of the church would pay no attention to them. That they would continue on in the work, like Nehemiah, strong in Him through prayer, worship and the power of God.
God bless you in His love,