Willing hearts
/If anyone wants to enter the kingdom of heaven they need to become like a child.......
A few months back, the classroom on Sunday mornings for church would be almost empty. Lately a good bunch of kids have been coming faithfully. The one thing that I always think on when I consider how these little ones make it to services, is the fact that they are not held accountable by parents to be here (except Pastor Carlos' daughters), and if they chose to stay at home and watch T.V., they very well could. The kids that come, come because they like to, and not because they HAVE to. I love that. Some of them are even responsible for getting their siblings and/or cousins ready and bringing them to church with them. For many kids, church services are the only place they will learn about Jesus. They don't all return to homes where they will receive guidance and instruction in the Lord. God is doing a work in their hearts, and we are seeing fruit among the kids. God can use them to be light in their homes...bringing their parents to know Him too.