A Meeting over Coffee
/Yesterday, Jaqueline, Victoria and I got together for our monthly Youth Center meeting to talk about the ministry and what God is showing each of us for it. We love to go two either two places, El Rancho de Café which is where we went, or Palacio de Café. They are two popular coffee houses here in town that are a few years old. When I first came here, the only place you could go to buy coffee was in the marketplace at the comedores, just brewed coffee which is still really good. But now we have Cappuccino’s and Espresso’s, and If you know me, you’d know that makes me pretty happy.
Anyway, I thought I’d let you get a peek inside. It’s right across from the hospital where I visit, and also connected to an ice cream shop that the same owners of the coffee house runs. If you come and visit, we’ll take you there! :)