Warrior King Song Idea

Here is a little bit of me and Danny messing around on the guitar and the drums. Danny is a youth faithful to God when many his age choose to turn to women, friendships, being cool, and other pressures of adolescence instead of finding true joy and peace from a God who is saddened by us looking to be satisfied outside of Him. Continue to pray for him as serves in worship ministry, sound ministry, and Music class. Pray that God would give him the strength to live for Jesus and be a strong light for him.

Also pray for Katherine who only has a few months left of high school and then she is possibly off to college. She has mentioned that she wants to study medicine and is now investigating schools and options. But still wants to serve the church. Pray for her and the decisions of what school she will be going to whether here in Nueva Guinea or in another city like Juigalpa 2 hours away in bus or in Managua 6 hours away. Katherine serves in Youth Center on Fridays, in the worship team and helps out in whatever she can. Pray for her also for a possible call to missions or full time ministry/missions as God has raised her up and she is to the point if God wants that it could be a possibility.