Calvary Crusade

Summer is here in Nueva Guinea! It is hot and with school out the youth and adults are free and going to the rivers surrounding the town. You can feel the heat as it hits your head and sizzles. Not quite that bad but its hot.  During this time the town takes a break from work and most activities. We plan on doing a few activities to take advantage of the people that aren’t doing anyting. Murio, the youth, Katering, our new brother Moises Harnandez and the whole church will be helping us.

This upcoming week he’ll be helping run a cleaning crew for 3 events:  Resurrection Sunday, Evangelistic crusade on next Wednesday and Thursday. The crusade will be announced in our radio station, Radio Calvario and in another radio station on the other side of town, The crusade will start at 6:30 pm here the first day Hector will be teaching and the second day Pastor Carlos. During Holy week here people are off work Wednesday thru Friday so it is an opportunity to reach some of the people that would otherwise be occupied. Be in prayer that God uses our church to reach out to the people of Nueva Guinea in the next couple days and God save many through this event. The crusade will be held outside on the church property with ushers helping out with the crowd control. Before and after the event the girls will be selling food and drinks. One of the sisters will be making snow cones with fruit/honey toppings mmmm….

Katherine will be getting the youth girls together to help Angela as she is coordinating the food side of the event. Also be in prayer for Katherine and her family as her uncle just died after a motorcycle accident. There will be a “vela” tonight which is an all night wake, and the funeral tomorrow.  

During the events Danny will be doing sound. And a local band, Alex and his band, they are actually the ones that are teaching our worship team and church more about music and music theory, they will be doing the worship. The church will be getting together here from 7-9 pm on Tuesday night to pray together for the event. You too can be part of the event by praying with us from right where you are at.

Keep Pastor Carlos in prayer as he is discipling the church on Tuesday nights at 6pm. Pray for the church that they would have a heart to follow Jesus whole-heartedly as disciples that are doers of the word and not just hearers.

In Jesus may you find all you need,


A word from Pastor Carlos translated to English,

“Hello! May God bless you, and I greet you in the name of Jesus our Lord,

There is in our age and time a conformity in the Christian church, when the bible says in Romans 12:2, that we should not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of our minds. But many Christians are conforming to this world which has nothing good towards being humble toward God.

We can observe in all places that we go the same situation is occurring. There are people that say they are okay  with God, but in reality, if Jesus came to take away his church in the rapture many would not go. Many live their own gospel and make up their own rules, sleeping and living with their girlfriend or boyfriend and doing things that God says of these that practice such things will not enter the kingdom of heaven.

We have several couples now that are living together that call themselves Christians but live with their boyfriend or girlfriend. We are praying for these brothers and I have been talking with them and telling them they need to fix their lives for the glory of God. They have not yet responded to this call. We ask that you too would pray for those in the church that are walking in rebellion against God by living with their boyfriend or girlfriend without marriage. We love them and want them to go together with us to heaven.


Your brother in Jesus,

Pastor Carlos Arteaga