Medical Update

Hi guys, 

God's blessings to you in his grace and love as we continue to walk with Him. "Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart." Psalm 37:4  

Thinking about this verse and the word delight. Now a days we delight ourselves in many things from social media, to the newest show, from sports, to music, to nature the list goes on and on....But do we delight ourselves in our God. Is my greatest pleasure God...this is what comes to mind as I think on this verse? If it is, my heart will be full and complete for God is always faithful. 

If you could pray for Angela this week she messed up her back playing with the youth kids this week. That God would heal her completely. 

Also for myself. I've had bronchitis for over 2 months now. And gone thru several rounds of anibiodics. This week I'm on a course of antiobiodics that is new to me and has to be given through the vein. I'm on day 2 of 5. After I get the shot, an hour later I come down with heavy fever and chills. If you can pray for God to give me strength and healing it would be much appreciated. I get my shot around 11 am nica time and have been having the fever an hour later. My last shot is Friday. I am weak but He is strong! May God richly bless you with his gracious presence. 
