Maintaining Focus
/What you have begun in the Spirit how can you finish by the flesh?
When Nehemiah realized the sad state that the city of Jerusalem was in he wept. Than he prayed. Than he acted. The ministry here in Nueva Guinea has a lot of problems. And as a church there always will be problems because there are always going to be people. But we can act and respond in the Spirit to difficulties and circumstances even when we don’t understand them because God does and God can reveal to us what he knows. God is always faithful!
Relying on God and his faithfulness we are assured that he is able. With the youth drifting away, kids abandoned by parents, a radio tower in need of a rebuild and facility that needs maintenance it is easy to focus on the circumstance. We can lose focus of who is really in control and that is when we can start to drown like Peter did while walking on water removing his sight from Jesus.
The great thing about Nehemiah was not that he was great but that while the enemy tried to distract him and attack him from outside sources and from the inside he kept to the work and what God had called to him knowing that it was God’s calling and God who would make sure the work was to be done.
Here in Nueva Guinea we are resting in prayer strengthing ourselves in God’s grace to see God’s will done and being reminded that the work is on His shoulders not ours. This makes our yoke easy and our burden light because the Spirit is guiding and we are following not forcing our way but looking for His way.
This last Tuesday we had our teaching with the 18 and over group on Repentance. It was a great time to reflect on God’s word and to recognize our need that needs to be God’s way and not ours. Next week we’ll be talking about the Fruit of repentance and the Holy Spirit’s work in this.
Thank you for your prayers and support. Together we can trust and work together to see God’s will in Neuva Guinea in the Spirit to God’s glory!
God richly bless you!
Pray for us and the ministry. For we know we wrestle not with flesh and blood but with principalities and powers who don’t want the will of God here as is in heaven.