Roofing Project Continues!
/Wow! Thank the Lord for providing for us to get the roofing tiles to Nueva Guinea. It was quite an ordeal to do it. I had to call into the capital Managua which is 6 hours away for about a week trying to locate the material. Than finally through prayer I talked to the representative for the tiles to the country and than the representave for all the Sinsa hardware stores to Nicaragua. Through Sinsa I was able to get a discount and the tiles to Juigalpa which is only 4 hours away. From there I contracted a private truck and had the tiles brought back. It was a lot of calls and 3 four hour bus rides to get the job done. But thank you Jesus we know have the tiles. Now to install them……
Danny and Christian are going to be helping us as they are low on work and could use it. Danny does worship and sound and Christian likes to share his faith and council others about Jesus. God bless you this week! More updates to come!