Horses preach too! No saben que los caballos predican!

On the way to pick to cut corn for the corn fair we got a ride from Doña Bilma. There were other people in the back of the truck who were clearly not Christians after about 20 seconds with them you heard a whole string of bad words and insults. I sat there as some of the other youth that were with me just sat silent. I thought about how Jesus loved them even though that their actions were not pleasing to Him. Then I prayed about a way to talk to them about Jesus. And we know from Romans 1:20 that God's creation is clearly seen so that no one is with excuse. So I began to ask the guy, do you know that horses preach? He sat there no sure what to say. So I explained to them a horse at first is a wild mustang and is not very good for work. But when it is humbled then it is good for work. The same is true for us in that until we humble ourselves before God and ask him to forgive us and change us we aren't any good either. He sat there thinking. And we didn't hear any more bad words after that. Pray for those youth in Nueva Guinea that need Jesus! God bless you today and trust in Him the author and finisher of our faith.



Men's Fishing Trip

So the men went on a fishing trip this Monday. We went to lake Nicaragua which is huge you can't even see the other side. We went to a town that is called Morrito which is a fishing village on the shore of the lake. There we took a small boat to a rock island where we fished. God blessed the trip and thank you Jesus it was a great time of fellowship. The first two hours were with great weather but the rest of the day was rain and a cool wind. So we took refuge in the water which is a lot warmer. The lake was surprisingly warm and it was a great time to talk and see how the brothers were doing. Looking forward to another trip in the future. Pray for the brothers that they would continue to grow in Jesus and have more of a heart to share him.

Elijah and the Widows Oil

In 2 Kings 4 we read of how God miraculously provided for the widow who had no money to pay for her debts and provide for her family. How faithful is God that he can bring something out of nothing, turning an empty pitcher into a profit. I see how sometimes it comes to that with us. As we realized that we are empty and have nothing to give we are empty poor in the spirit. That we owe Jesus our lives but we have nothing to give. And Jesus says come to me and I will fill you up, I will overflow you and you will burst forth fountains of living water.

Right now the power is out and has been for a while. We don't have too much gasoline left and church service is coming up. I trust God will provide as he always does. He is more than sufficient.

God bless you brothers and sisters today.

And may God richly less you with his love, mercy, and joy!

Music Class Update

We had music class again last night. We talked about Psalm 149 and how got wants us to worship him with all that we are. Whether that means by dance, by making a new song, there are many ways and gifts that God has given each of us that allows us to worship him! In the music class Danny and Katherine have been given the chance to lead worship. They do some songs before we do the devotion and than break up into groups to work on singing, string instruments, and percussion instruments. We're still waiting for someone proficient enough to be able to play and teach the piano. Continue to pray for this group and that they would grow and God would give some of them the gift of leadership so they can lead worship as well during youth, children's, and main services. 

Keep in prayer:

Danny for gift of leadership and teaching, Katherine for courage to share and encourage, Cristian that he'd have a heart to lead worship if God wills he's our only male singer as of now, Daniel that he would learn the drums, Keylin and Junaisi that she would continue singing and they would have courage to sing in front of others. For Angela as she sings. For Amy and Yeltsin. Yeltsin is learning the bass and Amy continuing in singing. Keep Amy and Yeltsin in prayer that their relationship as boyfriend and girlfriend would not get in the way of their walk with the Lord, as we have seen in the past, pray for knowledge and wisdom for them. Pray that all would have the same mind focusing on Jesus and what He would have for them. Thanks for your prayers ahead of time! Also keep the leaders of this event in prayer every Monday for Hector, Greg, Danny, and Katherine.

Upcoming events

On the 15th of September the men are taking their first group fishing trip to a place called Morito. Pray that the trip will have a great time of fellowship. Pray especially for Yovani who is a relatively new believer. Pray that he is strengthened in his walk and draws nearer to Jesus. We'll be looking to bring back a lot of fish that are called Guapote other wise known as Rainbow Bass which taste great and if we catch enough can help in the costs for the trip. Pray also for the more mature youth that would like to go but don't have enough money to get there. Should be a great time of fellowship! I'm excited to fellowship with the brothers and am praying it may be a time to grow closer together in Jesus walking in His mind and Heart.

Also Keep in prayer the corn fair that we will be having on Saturday the 20th pray that it is a good time of fellowship and that the neighborhood may grow to know Jesus through this event!

Guapote - Rainbow Bass

Guapote - Rainbow Bass

White for Harvest

The Fields are White for Harvest

Keeping on Focus

A steadfast heart towards God can easily be lost when our focus becomes sidetracked on something other than our Rock, Jesus.

In Psalm 51:10 It says to create in me a clean heart oh God and renew a steadfast (or faithful) spirit with in me. The thing is there is only one faithful one. The song, “You oh Lord are the faithful one, faithful one, great is your name in all the earth….”  How we need the faithfulness of God in our lives. How I long for more of it!

Wierd looking worm at the farm.

Wierd looking worm at the farm.

Corn for the Church

Corn for the Church

God's Increase!

God's Increase!

We’ve been working at a brother’s farm on a crop of corn and helping out with that. Right now the corn field is literally white on top as the bees are coming around fertilizing the flowers on top of the corn stalks. Harvest will be in about a month. Don’t think we’ll do much of it the future years because you don’t earn too much on the investment. And I can invest in a crop or I can invest in people. Instead of working to support the ministry at this time God is calling us to pour into the people of Nueva Guinea the love of Jesus. Some sow some reap but all share in the fruit of the harvest! So you can be part of the ministry and the fruit even if you can't be here physically.

At the farm we have been able to fellowship with many of the youth that go with us to help sow , weed, and fertilize. Teaching them that it is essential that they allow God to sow his word in their hearts and to weed out the flesh and sin that must be destroyed. The farm has also taught me what it is like for those who work here in Nueva Guinea. Many are farmers and its hard work. Carrying 5 gallon buckets of water back and forth to have water to work with over a ¼ mile stretch is hard work. And I got a small taste of what the average Nicaraguan goes through to make a days wage. Which for them is U$5.80 for the day!

Pray for us as we hope to raise up more disciples and disciple makers. Nicaraguan leaders capable of doing great things while following God’s heart!


This last weeks youth center took a turn of events as I was preparing to start. The plan was to go through the neighborhood early inviting the youth to go on a local fishing trip. Which is always a good time we have fun hanging out with the youth and we talk with them about Jesus and do a short devotional. However this day the youth didn't want to go because it was so hot. So we went to return to the facility to hang out and play games there. On the way to the facility we came across Roger. He is a friend of one of the youth, Isaias who takes discipleship clases with Hector. Pray for Isaias that he would stay encouraged Roger usually works in the market and sells many things you can usually find holding a cart that goes around his neck full of merchandise to sell. He is a youth in his 20's that is very lost. He is covered in scars that are self inflicted if you look over his chest and arms he is covered in scars that look like slash marks from a knife. This day we found him on the floor of the concrete by the pulperia "convenience store" He was breathing but hard to tell. He was over-doced on alcohol and possible some drugs that made him unresponsive. With the help of the neighbors we got enough help to get him into the taxi. Diego from the church happened to swing bye at this exact time, more like was sent by God at this exact time. So he took him to the hospital. Pray for him that God would intervene in his life and would show us how to minister best to him. He almost died. And I fear that he will die soon with out God in his life. Keep Diego's brother in prayer who recently was thrown from a moving truck under the influence of alcohol. The brother is backsliden and it is possible that God was giving him a wake up call. He is resting now at his house, pray that he would take this opportunity to return to Jesus.

Update: Music Class And Live Service broadcasts are down :(

The music class is going really well and growing. As we have several from our church that are learning music theory how to play and sing better to Jesus. Currently we have, Elmer, Katherine, Danny, Jonathon, Amy, Moises, Yeltsin, and a few others from surrounding colonies that are taking that class and are doing really well. Pray for them as the continue to study and dedicate their lives to the service of Jesus.

On another note we are also helping out some of the brothers in the church at their farm and they are giving part of the crop to the church. Pray for God's wisdom in this and for his hand guiding us in this.

We need your prayers for the Radio station as we are unable to transmit live chruch broadcasts at the moment because we need a new soundboard. Pray God provides a new soundboard so that we can get the services back on the air and transmitting to the potential thousands that listen by Radio in Town, in the Colonies, and online throughout the world. A shout out to Emma in Spain who is helping support the radio station! And all the others that are supporting throughout the world may God bless you.

Pastor Carlos is starting up a discipleship class for the church on Tuesday nights. It will be alternating nights. Some Tuesdays will be Home bible Study and then other tuesdays discipleship class. His hope is that through these classes some would like to take inductive bible study and that God would raise up more teachers. Pray for more teachers and discipleship makers here.

Besides this we have a praise report that the youth group is growing and those that serve among the youth are growing. We currently have about 6 sound/ushers that are youth. One that does announcements. And 3 that are on the worship team. Pray for their steadfastness and that draw neared to God each day. Also pray for the adults who are also growing and serving but to a lesser degree. Pray more would get involved and put Jesus first before all things. Thanks for you time in reading this and support looking forward to seeing or talking with all of you all in person. In His love and power.

Love Greg

For His Glory

Christian is a youth that is learning how to walk as Jesus.

He is a carpenter. And here we see him helping to fix the church door. Pray for him in his walk that he learns to give it all to Jesus and live it out.

The rain is here in Nueva Guinea. Which makes it a little difficult as we're trying to paint rusting steel. Pray we're able to work and God would give us those patches of sunshine that would allow us to finish the work.

God bless in his love,


Radio Station Tower

Here in Nueva Guinea God has provided a radio station called Radio Calvario. 99.7 FM it covers Nueva Guinea and the surrounding colonies. It reaches out to the Spanish community. All of it is in Spanish because all speak Spanish here. So God set up our radio station like KWAVE in that the station is dedicated to teachings from Calvary pastors and has worship and praise whenever they're aren't any teachings. Also the station reads the bible in Spanish as there are people here that can't read. It has been a huge blessing to the community. Many have come to Jesus by the radio station.

Right now we could use your prayer and support as the radio tower is rusting and needs to be replaced.

Below are some pics of the tower. God bless you guys! Love, Greg!

Rust from the Tower!


Every year about 1-2 times there are fires behind our facility in the farms. Many times it is from kids that are messing around with matches or that like to mess around. And usually it is us that gets stuck putting the fire out. To do that you cut a branch of a tree and you bunch up the branches. With that you can wack the brush fire literally to death. And little by little the fire goes out and stops from spreading. This last Monday I was able to help some neighbors from having the fire burn up their outhouse and things around their house. It was a blessing for them and a honor to be able to help them in Jesus name.

Jesus also wants to fill us with the fire of his Holy Spirit. So we can be like him and bring others to himself. Katherine did her first day of youth center by herself this Tuesday and will be taking over for Angela now on Tuesdays! She is a youth of 16 years of age. Keep her in prayer! Thank you Jesus as God is beginning to answer our prayers for disciples that make other disciples! Thank you for your prayers!

Here is the aftermath of the fire. Sometimes the neighbors need help putting out the fire so parts of their houses don't burn down, so we have the privilege to help them out. Pray for our neighbors and for us to be effective in making disciples who make disciples of Jesus!

On a random note there is a sloth currently staying in our mango tree!

Online Radio Station is Back Up - Radio Calvario esta en la internet de nuevo

So the online radio station is back up. It was down but is up again thank you Jesus!

La Radio Calvario está funcionando de nuevo por internet.

Puede achucharla a la siguiente enlace. You can listen at the following link:

We are praying for a full time DJ for the Radio so you can join us in this.

Estamos orando por un DJ alguien que puede estar en la Radio y comprometer mas tiempo en la Radio, puede orar con nosotros.


Prayer Requests and Update

The youth are excited as they have started a new Drama, skits, and a dance ministry. Be in prayer for Yeltsin and Amy who are two of the leaders that will be heavily involved in this ministry. Also for the Radio Station the online radio station is down. That God would fix that. We also need more leaders for the youth center and more teachers. Pray God raises those up. Pray also for wisdom for Pastor Carlos with all the different ministries that he is overseeing. God is faithful and will provide. Also for me that God will help me while Hector is away for wisdom with my time and knowing what to do and what to delegate that God would raise up more leaders in the worship ministry. Pray as well for someone that can work more full time in the radio station as it is a need to keep it going and also for the future possibility of having a DJ there. A shout out to the Connecticut team that just came down. you guys were a great encouragement to the church, the youth, and the missionaries may God bless you guys! 

In Jesus love,


Laborers in the Harvest

Be in Prayer for Hector and Deanna and little Natanael as they are on Furlough. With them gone me and Pastor Carlos will be working more with the youth and I'll be teaching Wednesday nights. Pray God gives us the strength and his Spirit to be able to affective while they are gone. Also that The the Nicaraguan disciples in the church would be raised up during this time to be more involved in the ministry and making disciples.

I prayed that prayer this morning and God is already working. As Yeltsin and Danny are doing youth center this afternoon for their fist time!

Pray for Pastor Carlos, Gabriella, and Judith as they are coming back from a Doctor's appt in Managua. That God would completely heal Judith's leg and that Gabriella would have the strength to minister as she often gets ill.

In Jesus Love Greg

Yeltsin on the left with the youth!

Recap of the last couple weeks

Youth from CC Southbury and CC Nueva Guinea. The retreat verse was
2Ti 2:20-22  ...Flee also youthful lusts: but follow righteousness, faith, charity, peace, with them that call on the Lord out of a pure heart.

Doing skits and telling others about God's love at the bus stop in Nueva Guinea! The youth team from CC Southbury with the youth group of CC Nueva Guinea!

Doing skits and telling others about God's love at the bus stop in Nueva Guinea! The youth team from CC Southbury with the youth group of CC Nueva Guinea!

Haven't been on Facebook for a while! Recap of the past couple weeks. So that I'd fill you in on some the awesome stuff God has been doing down here! We had some visitors which was awesome. The youth here are really excited as a youth team from Connecticut just came down. We've also had a youth retreat and holy week activities! We're having a resurrection day event tomorrow. Which we'll have games, worship, devo, movies, and a roasted, fried, and BBQ'd pig with the church celebrating the Resurrection of Jesus! Should be fun and pleasing to God!

Worshiping together with the Nicaraguans in a colony called Los Angeles about 30 minutes away from Nueva Guinea. Seen here are youth from Nueva Guinea and from CC Southbury.

Parkour for Jesus! Dan warming up his parkour skills for the youth!

Youth center with the Lazy Sloth

So we started youth center this last Tuesday with a surprise. A neighbor with a sloth. He said if it came to bother his little kids again that he'd kill it. So we took the kids on an outing to the River, Rio Plata. Where we did a devotional and they swam, we also got to let the sloth go back to the wild!

Pretty fun and it was a blessed time. Pray for the youth that they'd make decisions for Jesus.

John Carlos and some of the youth came take the sloth back to the wild!

Sloth out of the bag!

Water for the Facility!

We've been without the use of our water pump for some time now. A couple months. Water here comes only certain times of the day so we have to collect it, so there will be enough when people come for church and all the activity that happens at the facility. Just recently one of our water tanks had a hole in the bottom of it and caused all of the water to be lost each night. Well we found the hole and God provided the new tank. Thank you Jesus! Here is some pictures of the water tank work. We're very happy to have a working water system here, we feel blessed. Especially seeing that the norm for the people here is not to have a water system. Most people either have a well or they have one faucet that fills up a big barrel. That barrel is then used for the dish washing and showers for everyone. We are truly blessed!

Yeah! New Water Tank thank you Jesus!

Check Valve to stop the water from leaving the tanks.

The hole on the bottom of the old water tank.

Disconnects and a way to turn on and off the tanks so we can easily clean them out periodically.