Currently we are behind in the Internet and phone bills

When the Israelites were going to go and conquer the city of Aaii under the leadership of Joshua they didn't fail because only a small number went up, but because someone in camp had disobeyed God. As we seek to walk in obedience to God we can see his victory, and as challenges and trials come, we can be confident in God's provision and power.

Some of our bills are overdue and soon services may be cut off. The enemy thinks he's winning but the battle belongs to the Lord!

The radio station sends out a signal through the internet and so Radio Calvario can be heard in in all parts of the world in Spanish. And also allows the missionaries and the church communicate with friends and family. If you look at modern warfare, to disable the enemy, you take out their communications. For us here our communications are the internet and phone lines. But thank Jesus that our communications with God can never be cut.

Currently we are behind in the Internet and phone bills. We need U$140 to keep the services on, so keep that in Prayer. God always provides the necessities. I praise him for providing me with food today and that at present the radio is still functioning, the internet is still on, and the phones still work. Praise Him for he is worthy!

Lord give us clean hearts free us from any impurity. That we may have victory in your name. Give us obedient hearts that we may walk into those promised territories that you have shown us. Expand the territory of the Radio Station and bind the enemy that would attack the Radio and your missionaries.

Love you guys, praise to His name!
