Updated Prayer List
/Pray for the leaders Here at CCNG for vision, faithfulness, and strength to finish what God has called us to do.
Pray for Amy who is doing worship and has started a dance ministry. That she would be encouraged in her walk and continue to walk in the strength of Jesus.
For the missionaries that are sick this week with the flu.
Pray for Pastor Carlos and Family for wisdom with the church on how and what to do. He's currently praying about starting an Inductive Bible Study Course with the church. Pray for that.
Also continue to pray that God would provide Pastor Carlos and family with a new house. The wood in the old one is rotted.
Pray for more teachers, for the Home bible study ministry that God would raise up a teacher to run that.
Pray the Radio tower gets replaced and God provides for that.
The Rec Room is half way built and is starting to rust. Pray that God provides the money not only to maintain the building from rust but to finish it.
The rainy season is here and we need no rain gutters the ones we had broke from age and we need some more to keep the water out and to prevent damage to buildings.
The steel beams of the radio building and church need to be repainted as they are starting to rust. Pray for that.