Keeping Busy
/Even though we aren’t carrying out certain ministry activities like youth center, or congregating for services, going out to the school, etc. There is always plenty of things to do here to keep us busy. Aside from your typical day-to-day duties like cooking/cleaning/studying, and venturing on our new project of making face masks, one thing I like to try and stay on top of is keeping the classrooms clean, even though we aren’t using them right now. Since we live on dusty roads, and our driveway is mainly rock and dirt, dust gets in and dirties the classrooms. The windows were clouded with dirt! The classes would typically get cleaned every other day or so after youth centers and children’s ministry; swept, mopped, wiped down, etc. But I hadn’t gone in there in a couple of weeks, so they were pretty bad. That was last week, and I’ll do it again this coming week just to maintain them.
Another thing that I am staying on top of is our fruit trees. I see now that we’ll have fierce competition with the squirrels that live in all of the trees around here. I noticed some of the mangos were eaten at and left on the ground. I was offended, lol. But today I did get a good bunch to bring in. I was happy about that! Our papaya tree has about four good sized papayas on them, so I’m waiting for them to start turning yellow so that we can cut them down. The tree is tall and heavy with them at the top, so it started to bend over to the neighbors side of the fence. Moises tied a rope around it and tied it down to the post in the garden area to straighten it out. This way they’ll be on our side.
We have a small garden area down on the far side of the property where that papaya tree is. Right now we have spinach growing there, but I’d LOVE to maintain a small veggie/herb garden. I recently cleaned it out and weeded, but its due for another. I also planted tomato seeds and am waiting to see how those go. At the moment though, being Summer, I’m working on staying faithful just keeping plants watered :) Bear with me