/One of our mango trees is giving off fruit. We have a total of five mango trees on the property. A few of them don’t produce every year like they should. But one tree in particular produces twice a year, once now, and again during August/September. We began seeing some small mangos a couple of weeks ago, but they aren’t quite ripe yet. One of my favorite ways to eat them is while they are still hard and green, with salt, lemon and chili. (Ugh, so yum!) That’s how Nica’s like to eat them, and that’s actually how I learned! Soon enough, we’ll harvest them and make them into juice, eat them as is, and then freeze some for the future. I’ve made a mango pie before that turned out really good, so that might be something we do, too.
Anyway, I thought you guys might like to see for yourself :)