Prayer Requests:
For the youth that those that God would call those that have the gift of teaching to teach during youth events. Many have the gift pray for the conviction and courage to step out.
Praise Report: We have had our 1st Tuesday class with Pastor Carlos Arteaga and Gabriella Arteaga. We are going over Calvary distinctives. We have had 30 people show up so far. We learned last week about the attitude of service and the importance of God's calling.
For spiritual growth for the church as a whole.
That God would re-start the bible college here, for a directer, and teachers of this.
That God would raise up someone to work full time in the Radio Station. Putting in new songs and teachings.
For God to provide the replacement Radio Tower.
Pray for the Chavez family while on furlough. For vision and direction.
For more to work in the youth center with Angela. Jose may be coming to help soon from CC Managua pray for him and this transition that God would work out all the details. He plans on coming in September.
Thanks again for the prayers and support.
For wisdom, knowledge, guidance and vision plus focus for myself daily. That God would help us work together closer as a body and raise up others to work along side as God sees fit. Currently I do finances, missions, radio station, youth services, wednesday night service, and worship sundays pm and wednesday pm. That God would also raise up others as well to serve in these ministries.
For Angela the same for her and that God would raise up others to work along side her. Currently she does monday youth restoration classes, hospital ministry, school ministry, teaches at women's minsitry, youth center monday thru Friday, and teaches sunday school.