April Video

This video shows some of the activities we had in the month of April. It shoes Friday of the week of easter where we went to the river with the church. It also shows Saturday where we prepared food for our church dinner on Sunday. At the end it shows our event on Sunday with face painting, worship, and games. 

God bless you the brothers and sisters at Calvary Chapel Nueva Guinea!

Praise Report

I am blessed to tell you that I'm doing much better. I am still week and recovering but my fevers have gone. Thanks to God and may God bless all those that were praying. During my time of being sick I was blessed also to see the church step up and fill some of the roles that I normally play. 

Thanks to God for Danny who has been working faithfully on updating the music on the radio station. He also has been leading worship every Wednesday

Moises Hernandez has taken over Worship on Sunday Night with Danny and Karla. Moises has also stepped up as Pastor Carlos asked him to teach this month on Wednesdays which is a big blessing. This has really helped me  in catching up on rest and finances. 

Thanks to the Lord for the work Pastor Carlos has done in coordinating and helping me with finances which has been a big blessing.

Jose also has been a big help as he has taught the last Friday nights with the youth and organized games for them as I have been attending but not able to participate much in way of games or public speaking. He's also been doing a lot of coordinating and ministry with the youth during the week and in youth center daily.

 Well Praise the Lord. May God bless you. Hope you are all doing well.

In Jesus love Greg

If you are not doing well or need prayer send us a message we'd like to pray for you as you have blessed us with your prayers. 


Thanks for all those that opened their homes and lives this last year. Praise God for your hospitality and love. If I didn't get you in the picture don't feel bad I probably was enjoying your company so much I didn't take a picture.

Medical Update

Hi guys, 

God's blessings to you in his grace and love as we continue to walk with Him. "Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart." Psalm 37:4  

Thinking about this verse and the word delight. Now a days we delight ourselves in many things from social media, to the newest show, from sports, to music, to nature the list goes on and on....But do we delight ourselves in our God. Is my greatest pleasure God...this is what comes to mind as I think on this verse? If it is, my heart will be full and complete for God is always faithful. 

If you could pray for Angela this week she messed up her back playing with the youth kids this week. That God would heal her completely. 

Also for myself. I've had bronchitis for over 2 months now. And gone thru several rounds of anibiodics. This week I'm on a course of antiobiodics that is new to me and has to be given through the vein. I'm on day 2 of 5. After I get the shot, an hour later I come down with heavy fever and chills. If you can pray for God to give me strength and healing it would be much appreciated. I get my shot around 11 am nica time and have been having the fever an hour later. My last shot is Friday. I am weak but He is strong! May God richly bless you with his gracious presence. 


A New Generation

God has been good and continue to work through the youth center as we see a new generation of youth coming through the youth center. Please pray that these young youth will grow in maturity in Christ and would choose to follow the Lord. Some of the youth we have do follow the Lord and are growing in HIm others come for the games and we share Jesus with them. Here are some pictures of a few of the older youth accompanying us with the younger youth.

December Update

Hi all! 

I'm blessed to be able to write to you and am thankful for you guys! We have been busy during December. From working on getting our residency to church events to taking on new responsibilities. But it has also been a blessing as we have Jose here helping out from CC Managua. Danny has been helping us get the radio station songs updated which is also a great blessing. Danny has just finished high school and is looking now to get his drivers license. He wants to save up working as a taxi driver so he can study next year in the university. 

Be in prayer tonight we are going out with the youth to the central park. Central park is the place where there are more youth during this time of year. We are going to invite them to a bible study with us and than invite them to church for next week. God bless you all wishing you a grace filled time these holidays!

In Jesus, Greg

Prayer requests:

For freedom for the youth that are struggling with addictions. And Salvation for those that haven't accepted Jesus yet.  Pray for God knowledge, wisdom, and direction with the radio station.  

Thanks to all who helped to get the Church and Classrooms Painted

The Kids and church appreciate it very much! It looks a lot better. God bless you! Pictures and prayer requests below!

Prayer Requests:

For the youth that those that God would call those that have the gift of teaching to teach during youth events. Many have the gift pray for the conviction and courage to step out.

Praise Report: We have had our 1st Tuesday class with Pastor Carlos Arteaga and Gabriella Arteaga. We are going over Calvary distinctives. We have had 30 people show up so far. We learned last week about the attitude of service and the importance of God's calling. 

For spiritual growth for the church as a whole. 

That God would re-start the bible college here, for a directer, and teachers of this.

That God would raise up someone to work full time in the Radio Station. Putting in new songs and teachings.

For God to provide the replacement Radio Tower.

Pray for the Chavez family while on furlough. For vision and direction.

For more to work in the youth center with Angela. Jose may be coming to help soon from CC Managua pray for him and this transition that God would work out all the details. He plans on coming in September.

Thanks again for the prayers and support. 

For wisdom, knowledge, guidance and vision plus focus for myself daily. That God would help us work together closer as a body and raise up others to work along side as God sees fit. Currently I do finances, missions, radio station, youth services, wednesday night service, and worship sundays pm and wednesday pm. That God would also raise up others as well to serve in these ministries.

For Angela the same for her and that God would raise up others to work along side her. Currently she does monday youth restoration classes, hospital ministry, school ministry, teaches at women's minsitry, youth center monday thru Friday, and teaches sunday school.

Youth to pray till midnight tonight

Hi all Greg here..

I am asking for your prayers and for the move of the Holy Spirit for tonight's event that we are having with the youth. It will be a time of prayer, the word, and worship until midnight tonight. The event starts at 6 pm. Please keep this time in prayer as we work in the spirit and prayer to take back what the enemy has stolen from this generations youth. Many youth are backsliden and have fallen into the trap that Satan has placed for them. Pray for renewed hearts, vision and power to reach Neuva Guinea's youth. 

God bless you all love, 


The End Is Coming!

Just KIdding! 

But it could be :) And we are admonished to watch for the return of Jesus. Tonight, Wednesday we will be finishing our study in the book of Revelation. It has been a long ride but we made it. Reading and teaching this book has shown my God's supply and that he has a direction and purpose for his church as a whole. That requires that we get on board with his program. That we listen to him, and do what he says as he empowers us to walk godly lives. 

We'll keep us in prayer for this last day. Next event for me is on Friday with the youth. We'll be finishing a series on prayer by talking about prayer and fasting. 

God bless you! In His love - Greg 

Check out some pics before you go!

Vision of Calvary Chapel Nueva Guinea and start of new Class Calvary Distinctives

Hi guys good to get back to doing blogs. Theses last few weeks Pastor Carlos and I have been praying over what God has for the church here. We are pleased to put forth the model for the church here. Of course always subject to the move of the Holy Spririt within the parameters of the Word of God. Here it is.......

Please pray for next Tuesday that the those in the church would all come out for this class. The class Calvary Distinctives which just started today with an introduction will soon be in full swing on Tuesdays. Check out the model below..................

Our Vision in Calvary Chapel Nueva Guinea is to create an atmosphere where the word of God is sown creating disciples of Jesus that love God and their neighbors. How……..

  • 1.       Believe In Jesús

  • 2.      Grow In Jesús

  • 3.      Multiply In Jesus

                                                                                                     John 17:3/ Matthew 22:37/John 15:5/Matthew 28:18-20/ /Colossians 1:28

1.      Believe in Jesus –  Receive Jesus as Lord and Savior

2.      Grow in Jesus

  • a.       Go to Church

  • b.      Learn Basic Bible Doctrine and Be In The Word

  • c.       Evangelize

  • d.      Make Disciples of Jesus

  • e.       Take Inductive Bible Study

3.      Multiply in Jesus  

a.       Evangelize and Love Others by spending time with them.

What does this vision look like played out in real life?

1.   Believe   – Receive Jesus –Jn. 3:16, Rom. 6:23, Ef. 2:8-9

a.   Receive an orientation of the process and vision of the church.

2.   Grow  

  • a.   Attend Church – Hebreos 10:25  

  • b.   Takes Calvary Chapel Disctinctives

  •                                i.   Basic Doctrine Class

  • c.   Evangelize – Isaiah 52:7, Romans 10:15

  •                      Go to Evangelism Class

  • d.      Believer takes a basic discipleship course.

  • e.   IBS – A class on how to take out the facts ofthebible and apply them.

3.   Multiply is… Evangelize and to Love others we do that by taking interest in their spiritual well-being and spending time with them. This is for all disciples of Jesus.

Thanks looking forward to the next class and the next update with you!

Please pray that the people in church would be on board with this and all would be done in the Spirit.

Pictures from the Month of August.

Thanks to all that came to visit and work along side us. We look forward to what God has and will do in and through Nicaragua!

I'm working on adding some good pictures for this month so if you have any more feel free to send me a link. Thanks!

Happy 4th!

Hi all, 

Praying you all are doing well this 4th of July!

Yesterday had a great time in the word with Norlan we are studying inductively together the book of 1 John it is a great book and we are both getting a lot out of it studying it together. He's taken the inductive bible study class so its good he is using and putting into practice what he's learned. Norlan is concerned for his sister and Mom who have not received Jesus. He mentioned that he'd like to do a home bible study at his house. So that will most likely happen next tuesday. 

 It is about 2pm Monday afternoon in Nicaragua with rainy overcast weather. I'm tired today. Probably cause I'm on allergy meds. The mosquito's here are small and determined, the bites give you this allergic reaction and headaches. I have a rash on my face right now but hopefully it will be gone soon going to try some coconut oil on it. God is faithful. The word says Jesus will provide all we need for life and godliness. I trust Jesus even though circumstances and weather are gloomy I know He will shine through. He is faithful. For all things work together for good for those that love Him and are called according to His purposes.

Later today we have prayer at 6pm than worship practice at 7pm. 

Pray for...

  • Continued recovery of Angela as she is getting over a rash and the affects of some mosquito bites. 
  • Pray God would kill of the mosquito's in the area as team's are preparing to come down and the locals get it bad here.

What am I working on right now.....

  • The radio audio is being redone we have some old song's. So we are in the process of pulling the old songs and replacing them with newer songs. 
  • The radio station computers and batteries are acting up so we are looking at those. Doing some maintenance.
  • The facility pump is acting up so we are working on getting that back up and operational. Pray for wisdom for that.
  • The humidity here destroyed our laundry room door so we are rebuilding the door. 

Thanks for your prayers and support. God bless you! 



Back in Cali for Furlough

Thanks to all that came to pick me up at the airport and to hang out at In-N-OUt I appreciate it and was blessed by the time together! Please remember to keep in prayer the missionaries back in Nueva Guinea while I'm gone. The Chavez family and Angela will be there with Pastor Carlos. We have care teams tonight for those that want to come I'll be there....629 N. Azusa Ave, Azusa.  My phone number for those that would like to get a a hold of me while in the states is 626-388-7123.

Pastor's and Leaders Conference

Thanks to all that helped to get Pastor Carlos and I to the central american Pastor and Leader's conference in Costa Rica. It was a great blessing and I thank God for getting us there and back safely. We learned a lot about all sorts of things in leadership, about the Holy Spirit, and about who we are in Christ and our privilege to both share the love of Christ with others and help them to grow into His image. Thank you all again and thank you for your prayers they are much appreciated!

We were also privelaged by the grace of God to get more teachings from Calvary Pastors for the Radio Station here which will really bless the community! 

Pastor Carlos has never been to Costa Rica and he was able to go and see his brother and his 10 aprox., neices and nephews there. He had also never been to the beach before anywhere so he was able to be blessed with a day at the beach. Thank you Jesus for your rich blessings! God bless you all! Below see some of the pictures from the trip. 

The Power of Jesus - Miracle in the Silva Family!

We were privileged to be part of a service this last Saturday, they call it “Culto Accion de Gracias” Which means, "A Thanksgiving Service!" We were privileged to celebrate the healing of Nubia’s mom, Doña Esmeralda. She for the past year had symptoms of paralysis  as she had an arthritis that left her in bed and she felt horrible. She had faith in God and said, "That I am going to be strong in God!" She waited in God and God healed her! We were blessed to have a service with her to celebrate what God has and is doing in her life. Praise Jesus!

She used the night to praise the God who allows her to now raise her hands to him! Just a few months ago she couldn’t raise her hands to wash dishes or even turn on or on a light switch. She is the lady in the picture with her hands raised up!

Sick Today

Been layed up from last night till about this afternoon. Got a weird flu with fever. Fever pretty much gone now thank you Jesus. Also pray for Natanael who is also recovering from flu. 

The women are doing a christmas dinner right now. Pray that that goes well. Tomorrow church, I do worship in the morning but my throat and chest are messed up so pray that gets healed tonight or it is going to be difficult. 

God bless you,


Hospital Visit

God is our refuge and strength, A very present help in trouble.

So went to the hospital today. It was kind of loud as today is Mary-day today. And people in the town are celebrating Mary seeing it is a national holiday. Fireworks were going off in the background as we were visiting. Since Hector is helping out in the office more it has given me the privilege to go out and minister more. This month the youth and kids are off school so Danny went with me to the hospital. He played the guitar and I sang. We also shared some in the psalms with those that are sick there. Today there were 3 small kids with pneumonia, an elder lady that had a stomach that was really inflamed, also there was a baby girl with dengue who was on an iv. We prayed for them all and left trusting in God. Continue to pray for the sick as Angela and Nubia visit the hospital and that God would touch their hearts healing them 1st spiritually and 2nd God-willing spiritually. 

In Jesus Greg