School Ministry

The school ministry is an exciting opportunity for us to reach out to the kids in the public schools of Nueva Guinea.  God has opened a door here for us to minister and teach children of all ages about Jesus Christ and His great love for us.  In the states, this type of ministry would not be received by many schools.
Here in Nueva Guinea, the schools are open to the word of God.  Typically, the schools do not have many resources.  The desks and classrooms are worn down.  There are even some classes with dirt floors.  When we visit these classes with crafts, songs, and bible stories, both the students and the teachers are overjoyed.
Every day of the week, Angela, Deanna, and Nubia minister to children ranging from preschool to sixth grade.  We are currently visiting three schools:  Rubén Darío, Salinas Pinel, and Rigoberto.  There are other schools in town that would like us to visit them, but there simply isn’t enough time in the week.  The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few! 

Children have always been precious to the Lord.  The time spent in the classroom consists of three things: singing praise, learning about God, and making crafts.  Our goal in doing this is showing the children that Jesus Christ loves them and cares for them.  We know that many of the students have hard home lives.  Some girls as young as 9 years old are expected to cook, clean, and take care of younger siblings.  When we go to the schools, the students can experience the love of God and learn about how great He is.  They love making crafts and can take them home to share with their parents.  Many of the parents do not walk with the Lord.  Our prayer is that these children would be lights in the darkness.

There is a great need to minister in the schools and there are many opportunities to do so, but we need more laborers.  Please pray with us that God would raise up more laborers to work in the school ministry.  Pray that the word would fall on good ground and that these precious little ones would be forever changed by God's love.

Uploaded by NicaraguaMissions on 2013-03-23.
