Change in Eric and Elias

I don't know if you remember me mentioning the three boys that live with Dona Carla. Omar is the oldest, Eric the middle, and Elias is the youngest. They have lived with her for about a year now, but Omar just recently left again to live with his grandma. So, just Eric and Elias live with her.

The three of them were such a challenge to deal with considering they came from a very difficult home life. Their mom is working in Panama, and their dad gets them every now and then. But, they miss their parents, and they have suffered quite a bit because of it.

Before, they were so wild! You couldn't even have a conversation with them because they couldn't focus enough to communicate. They ran around everywhere, and they wouldn't even stop to hear you speak. They'd jump off high stacked chairs, off tables, run all around the facility, jump out the window during Sunday school class! It was tough.

Since they have lived with Dona Carla, they have changed so much! They are able to be at church and kids center every week. They not only have calmed down, but they listen, they pay attention and communicate face to face when you talk with them. And now, Eric who is 5 years old looks for ways to help clean and pick up after youth center. He participates during worship and craft time, and is quicker to be obedient. I can actually carry on a conversation with Eric, and he loves to talk! Before he was so distracted.

I can't say they are perfectly behaved, obviously. They still are pretty energetic and they are kids, but I LOVE having them around, and having them in class. They are the sweetest things!

Please pray for them, too. Pray that God would continue His work in them and in their older brother Omar. Pray that as they grow older, they would not go far from the ways of the Lord. Pray that they would grow to know His love for them!